With an onslaught of extra people working from home thanks to COVID-19, tax-time in 2020 could look a little different from previous years.
Unprecedented numbers of us have had to work from home this year and for many, navigating what to claim as allowable tax deductions is perplexing. Moreover, any resultant tax refund is especially important for those who have had their hours reduced, pay rate slashed or lost their jobs altogether and need this money now more than ever.
Every dollar counts right now so don't be afraid to fight for what you're entitled to when it comes to your deductions, says tax expert Dr Adrian Raftery.
Australians can expect a bigger tax return this financial year due to a combination of lower taxable incomes and higher claims for work-related expenses, tax experts have said.
It’s officially tax time again, fellow taxpayers, which means we can expect an onslaught of Aussies seething as they watch their mates cop a small fortune while they’re left with pennies.
An essential money-saving resource for every Australian who pays tax – updated for the 2020-2021 tax year and including the latest COVID-19 pandemic government relief measures.

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